Sunday, June 26, 2011

Just Another Corny Life Goals Blog Post

This tennis season was one of the most fun times of my life. I had a lot of laughs with some very good friends! While my partner and I took first at Northwestern 'A' Divisionals, we certainly didn't finish up the season at State the way we would have liked to. Although we didn't get the place we wanted, I did learn a valuable lesson from my coach. He asked each of us to write down goals that we wanted to accomplish during the season. My partner and I got so caught up in wanting to take first at divisionals, that we never actually filled out our goal sheet. We also became a bit cocky - because we were undefeated until the last game of the season.  Our coach told us that goals mean nothing unless you write them down. I don't know if I totally agree with that, but I do believe that writing goals down helps to remind us of what we want to do with our lives when we get a little off track. Sharing our goals with those who will encourage us also helps us to achieve them. On that note,  I would like to share some goals of mine that are very important to me. Most, but not all, of these goals revolve around my religion and belief in Christ. There are two types of goals I have: things "To Be" and things "To Do." So here are my "To Do" and "To Be" lists.

To Do:
- Graduate from Brigham Young University with honors (Right now my intended plan is major in Public Health and minor in Environmental Science) As of right now I want to study the link between the rate of recovery of a nation's population from a natural disaster and the rate of recovery of the environment from the same disaster.
- Live in a third world country (at the very least for five months)
- Get married in the temple (For any non-Mormons reading this, getting married in the temple is so important to me because when you get married in the temple, you also get sealed for time and all eternity to your spouse. We believe that our families are central to God's plan for us - and being sealed to your spouse also seals all children born between you two to be part of your eternal family. This gives me an incredible peace of mind, knowing that I can be with my loved ones once again. Only those who are living up to certain principles [pay a full tithe, no extra-marital sex, no drinking, no illegal drugs, etc.] of the Gospel are given a recommend [or pass] to attend the temple. So not only does getting married in the temple give me an eternal family, but it will help ensure that I marry someone who is living the same way that I do.)
- Have children - preferably all little ginger children - and raise them up to know a) that I love them and b) that Christ is their Savior. I love little kids and even though the world is beginning to look down upon being a mother, I can't wait.
- Keep in touch with as many loved ones as possible, and be continually meeting new friends. I absolutely love meeting people and hearing about what they really care about - what makes their eyes light up when they talk about it.
- Travel as much as possible - I was talking to my good friend Tami yesterday, and she was telling me about that the places she had been. Then she said something along the lines of, "Instead of spending money on expensive cars, my parents spend money on travel and memories." That is what I plan on doing; I believe that memories and knowledge will ALWAYS be worth more than material things.
- Live in such a way that those who know me will know that I believe in Christ without needing to ask.

To Be:
- Always up for a challenge and an adventure
- Positive and upbeat - not only in my words, but in thoughts and actions
- Kind
- Chill and not the kind of person who freaks out about a lot of stuff. Basically I want to choose my battles wisely.
- That person who always stops for people needing to cross the road
- Loving
- Always smiling or laughing
- Joyful in all my responses to situations in life
- Grateful - and continually express that gratitude!
- That person who people know they can come to for a listening, non-judgmental ear and a shoulder to cry on or someone to be happy with
- Compassionate towards animals (haha CORNY I know, but this is important to me!)

I feel like I am getting closer to some of these goals than I am with others. But each of these goals, whether it is something to be or do, are very important to me. I know that I will grow closer to the best person I can become by reaching these goals. I also know that in the process I will become much closer to Jesus Christ, my Savior, who died so that I could be with Him again. I will learn lessons, overcome obstacles, and reach some dreams that have been a long time coming. And from my standpoint, learning, overcoming, and reaching dreams are what life is all about. Hopefully, with this writing and sharing, my life can be a little more successful and meaningful than this past tennis season!

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