Sunday, October 16, 2011

I've Become That College Kid

For the first few weeks of college, I didn't have much homework, I didn't spend a lot of late nights with friends or time studying at the library. I hate very healthily and went to bed early. This past month has been my stage of evolution into being a regular college kid. I stay out (or usually just up) way too late for no reason at all, spend a lot of time studying and eating random food rather erratically. 

What I do with my time: I spend probably 5 hours a day studying in the library along with going to classes.  That means I get home at around 6 or 7 PM every night, and then I usually just hobo around until midnight then realize I have half an hour of reading. Wasting time like a college kid? Check.

People I spend a lot of time with: My roommates, Lauren, Sam, Hayley, Laura, and Abi, along with a few girls in my hall, Carley and Eliza. Carley and I attempted to go to BYU Tall Club (for girls 5'10" and up and guys 6'2" and up) but determined that the only guys who flaunt how tall they are enough to join a tall club are, well, slightly odd.  I just attempted to make a better list of the people who I love, but I didn't want to chance accidentally leaving someone out! So just know that if you have spent any time with me, legitimately listened to me or even just made me laugh it has made a huge difference this past month! It's been a pretty rough month just adjusting and with other things happening.  I am so blessed to have amazing people in my life here at BYU to have fun with and who are concerned about me. I'm also so blessed by my many friends from home who I still keep in contact with and who are there for me, sharing new experiences, too.

Big events: Well, one event sticks out in my mind above all others.  My best friend, Dan, fell about 18 feet and hit his head (on his way to go to General Conference and visit me), receiving severe head injuries.  There was a miscommunication and I was told that he was dead, when in fact it was a series of complicated/momentary medical prognoses, rather than him actually being dead.  Later that same day I found out that he was actually alive and had brain activity.  There have been a great deal of complications and setbacks, but ultimately, I know that he will get better. If you want to read the particulars, go to to read about the daily developments.  I was able to see him yesterday. It was really hard seeing my best friend - the person who I spent the most time with in the past six or seven months - in such a condition. I am very grateful to have seen him, though.  I have so many memories with him; almost everything I do reminds me of an inside joke or some crazy thing we had done with each other.  My lock screen on my phone is a picture of the two of us at seminary graduation, and (This is lame, hokey and corny) I press the button to turn my screen on so many times a day just to see that picture.

Please pray for him!! Take a minute and   I know that his improvements so far have been an amazing miracle, and that he still needs to get so much better.  I know that God will answer our pleas when we pray to Him, and that He is merciful and loving.  I know that God will answer our fasting along with our earnest prayers.

I also got a 94% on my first college test (I studied!! Go me!) and a 64% on my second, despite studying for 6+ hours for that ONE class. :( It makes a big difference when teachers tell you what to specifically study! I'm not going to let it get me down though, I'll just have to study harder next time.  I'm determined to get at least a B in that class!

Changed Attitudes: I'm used to having my best friends from back home just expect to hang out every weekend and do things together throughout the days of the week, so it was a little hard at first to take the initiative with most of my friendships here.  Luckily I've been able to accept that and have forged some very strong friendships with people who I am so lucky to have as friends! It's hard moving to a totally new location with totally new people, but now I realize that learning that there's not always going to be someone else to take the initiative to be friends is a valuable lesson.

Sometimes I Guess I Do Fun Stuff:  My roommates and I do a lot of baking (yes, mostly for boys, so if you have any requests they may or may not be filled if you hang around our apartment a lot ;). We used up 25 lbs of flour in the first 5 weeks of school! I was able to go to dinner with some close family friends, the Smiths, who lived in our same neighborhood when I lived here in Provo.  I attended the World's Largest Dodgeball Game.  I played Fugitive across campus. I FINALLY pranked again....made me feel sooo alive! ;) I took a trip to Rexberg, ID, where BYU-Idaho is and was able to spend time with my best best friends from Montana (I miss my Montana kids!). Random boys came to our apartment and we played Just Dance for a's fun how easy it is to get along with most people here! Mostly, I love getting to know people and see their eyes light up when they talk about something they love. :)

Okay, so this was a terribly generic blog post. time it will be much better. I promise! Some of my friends told me I was due for an update, so this is for them! ;)


  1. It was good to have you add to your blog. I hope you keep enjoying college and all the new experiences. :)
