Sunday, April 22, 2012

You're Probably Mentioned in This Blog Post: BYU Year One

Mmmm, I can't even believe that another school year is over. Legitimately it had to have been yesterday that I was stressing about making friends at college. Or maybe yesterday I was bawling by myself by the BYU Bell Tower at 2 in the morning because I was lonely and homesick. Or maybe it was just last night that I aced my first test or pulled my first college all nighter. Regardless of what seems like yesterday, it's sped by, leaving me with many memories and lessons learned. I'm going to list out a lot of top threes, just because I want to. And that's an easy way to do things. Also, just to preface why I will be so sad about so many goodbyes, at BYU most of the boys go on missions after their freshmen year.  So, I won't see some of the best friends I've ever had and who I spend nearly every waking moment with for more than two years.  Also, these top three lists aren't really in any order from first to third, they're just a straight up top three.

Top Three Songs

1) Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen - the song you can always dance to
2) "Friends" in Paris - Kanye West - the song my mom probably wouldn't let me listen to if it was up to her
3) Here's to the Night - FM Static - the sentimental song that makes me want to cry every time I hear it

Top Three Movies

1) MUPPETS <3 "Fart shoes!"
2) Just Friends, I just had to do it in honor of how many times that movie was viewed in room 3202 this year and the fact that they got me to sit through the whole thing.
3) Mean Girls, the perpetually quotable movie, I can't tell you how many girls nights with ice cream and this movie were had this year.
Honorable mention: The Woman in Black, but keep in mind that this is NOT a recommendation.

Top Three Best Trips

1) Park City for the Sundance Film Festival in search of Matt Damon, Andy Samberg and Drizzy.  Instead we found Kate Bosworth, but mostly Queen Latifah. It was way snowy and my good friend Dustin was a champion in getting us home safely! The group got to go see a movie called "The Other Dream Team" about a Lithuanian basketball team. Dusty and I didn't get to see it because parking was awful, so we just drove around Park City and talked while everyone else watched. Also, Seth and Declan pulled an all-nighter the night before, so their thoughts weren't terribly lucid. This was (in order of the picture) with Seth, Dustin, me, Hayley, Nate, Shantel, Declan (behind everyone for some reason) and Kelby.

2) Random trip in the night time sometime in April, we basically just drove around. Hitting four different counties and a Walmart and higher elevations than normal and creepy back roads and beautiful star filled skies, this was really the best last Friday night I could ask for with my best friends. There was also some near skinny dipping involved (just the boys, not Shantel and  I).  It's going to be hard saying goodbye to these guys! Going clockwise, these are me, Robert, Arthur, Shantel, Nate, Chase and Dusty!

3) My family came down to visit me during their spring break, and we were able to attend General Conference in Salt Lake City, a two-day international conference for receiving guidance from the leaders of our church.  We attended the particular session that my brother, who is on a mission for our church, attended. He told me where he was sitting, so OF COURSE I had to go find him. It was so good to see him so happy! Me, Andrea, Grant, Niels and Emily! I love my family!

Top Three People I Spend the Most Time With (who also happen to be the top people who impacted my life this year)

1) Dustin - Dusty was my first best friend here. He's probably one of the best listeners I've ever met and helped me through a lot because he was always there with an encouraging word with a realistic and outside point of view.  We determined from early on in our friendship that we are twins when it comes to almost everything (well except for looks).  Hiking the Y late at night and driving around Park City just the two of us and other heart to hearts have been so great, and I can't imagine what my year would have been like without him! Dustin is headed to Santiago Chile for his mission on July 11th, but to South Africa to be with his family for a few months before that. I'm going to miss him so so much!

2) Nate - Nathaniel is Dusty's roommate, and I didn't really even know him until one day the three of us had a way long heart to heart. Nate has such a fantastic smile and is definitely the person who I've spent the most time with for the past months.We've probably spent less time sleeping or at school than we have with each other. He's also one of the sweetest boys I've ever met; on Valentines Day he had a bunch of our friends sign a huge Valentine's card for me that made me cry when I read it.  I'm fortunate enough to get to go to his missionary farewell in the Bay area (He's headed to Santiago, Chile, also, although a different mission than Dusty, for two years beginning on May 9th).  Words can't express how much I'm going to miss him!

3) Hayley - This girl is one of my roommates and we are nearly always with each other, I swear! She's also one of the greatest listeners on planet earth, and we think pretty similarly.  I've never met a more down to earth and reasonable person. She's one of the mentally and emotionally toughest girls I've ever met in life and I have been so blessed to be her roommate this year! We're going to be roommates next year, too, and I can't wait to see where life takes us! I also get to go visit Hayley this spring in California, and thank goodness, because I don't know how long I'll last without her.

Top 3 Favorite Moments (Recurring or otherwise)
1) Soda pong nights during winter semester were some of the greatest nights! (People who play REAL pong, don't hate. Mormons can have fun playing with soda.) Many different people spent time in room 3202 playing pong every other Friday. Also Hayley is the greatest pong partner I could ever ask for (we're the reigning champions even though the boys will attempt to convince you otherwise).
2) Some good friends and I made a music video while other friends were on a trip to Vegas because we missed them.  This was the result. We probably broke some unimportant laws (that ugly car belonged to none of us, among other things) and got some weird and annoyed looks, but it was so worth it!

3) For those of you who knew me before college, you would know that I HATED Walmart, probably above all else. Well, some of my favorite memories this year involved probably weekly very late night trips to Walmart.  Really, anytime of night, you name it, and I've been at Walmart at that time.  I've actually only ever been to that particular Walmart during the daylight twice, and both times I didn't know what to think because I hadn't really seen the outside!

Top 3 Favorite Classes

1) Honors American Heritage
Anyone who has complained about the normal American Heritage knows that I rave about this class. Gregory Taggart, a fantastic professor, teaches the class, and I love love loved it! It was a class of 35-40 people, which allowed for a great deal of discussion. Actually, most of the class was us students talking about the Constitution with Professor Taggart gently guiding our discussion. I found the way it was taught made it much easier than normal American Heritage and a lot more interesting.

2) Refugee Health
Most of my friends know that I take really random classes, but I think education is a lot more interesting that way! Refugee Health is a class about just that, the health of refugees, immigrants and internally displaced persons. It was eye-opening to learn about the state of the millions of refugees across the world and the ways to treat different aspects of their health in really hard, primitive situations, especially in refugee camps. I was able to go help administer surveys for Bhutanese women refugees in Salt Lake City which was a wonderful learning experience! We have so much to be grateful for here in America.

3) Air Pollution and Quality
I'm known as kind of a "granola" or tree hugger.  Part of that is because I took this class. I was planning on minoring in environmental science at the beginning of the year and took this class to start that minor.  Although in the end I decided I'm not going pursue environmental science at all, this class really helped me look at the resources I use and how they effect the earth.

 Top 3 Lessons Learned
1) If you love someone, let them know. Life is short and happens faster and faster the older you get, so you just have to love people and let them know!
2) Honesty is the most important part of a friendship.  Trust builds entirely on honesty, and friendships without trust are nothing!
3) YOLO: you only live once.

Well, there's my sappy post about freshman year. I loved it! It was hard a lot of the time with the workload of classes, working part time, having friends, gym time and church, but it was worth it. I miss it so much and I know that I have made some wonderful, lifelong friends and met fantastic people throughout the whole year. I wouldn't do a single part of the year over and am grateful for every moment spent with the people I love!

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